How Electronic Signatures Save your Time and Money

“A penny saved is a penny earned.” - Benjamin Franklin

Setting up a business is tough and challenging; keeping it running is even tougher! In today’s competitive world, the primary goal of every business owner is to build a profitable business. However, the income from a business is not under control; that’s where two crucial steps come in – increasing sales and saving money.

With all of the documents that flow through a business on any given day, the task of handling paper documents can be mind-boggling. Not to mention the never-ending process of signing, sending, and receiving documents, right from agreements and employment contracts, to invoices, sale sheets, etc. Therefore, dealing with paper-based processes in this day and age can be a major setback for businesses. Besides being time-consuming, tedious, inefficient, and prone to errors, in the long run, paper-based processes can also cut into a company’s budget, considering the costs associated with storage, infrastructure, scanning, printing, shipping, etc.  Thus to reduce paper use and improve efficiency in their document signing workflow, many businesses are transitioning to digital electronic signature solutions like DrySign.

E-signatures effortlessly automate document workflows and gather online digital signatures in a matter of minutes instead of days. This improves business relationships with valuable customers and saves time and money while streamlining workflows of the business processes.

Want to know more about how an e-signature solution like DrySign can boost your business with its powerful capabilities? Let’s look at some benefits which can help your business save time and money!

No Printing Costs

Who doesn’t wish to save money! Every dollar your business spends on printing documents can be utilized to fund more productive tasks. E-signatures provide a cost-effective means of getting documents signed, allowing businesses to cut costs associated with shipping, filing, data entry, stamps, printing, etc. Reducing these costs will ultimately reduce the overall operational expenses, translating to a better bottom line.

Faster TATS

Conventional document-signing methods are time-consuming and prone to delays. On the other hand, an e-signature solution ensures a smooth and seamless process, allowing you to seamlessly sign online anytime, anywhere, thereby speeding up your sales cycle and maximizing ROI. This also means signees don’t have to manually sign documents, get them scanned or printed, or be worried about security aspects like forgery or tampering. E-signature solutions speed up the document signing process allowing users to sign documents quickly, legally, and securely, in just a few clicks!

Increased Efficiency

Besides significant savings in cost and time, digital signature solutions like DrySign are packed with powerful features that scale up productivity and overall business efficiency. Features like group sign allow multiple signatories to sign remotely in a matter of minutes. You no longer need to wait for the document to travel through all signatories physically just for a signature. In addition, e-signature solutions allow you to store all your documents on the cloud, allowing you instant access to critical documents and eliminating costs associated with storage.

Reduce Carbon Footprint

On average, an employee uses 10,000 paper documents in a year. Out of which, 1,400 may become unnecessary, and 4,500 sheets get shredded at the end of the day. When your business implements an e-signature solution, you cut costs associated with transporting documents, ultimately reducing your company’s carbon footprint.



Overall, an e-signature solution benefits your business in more ways than you can think of. It increases efficiency, streamlines workflows, improves compliance, ramps up security, saves money and time, and helps the planet too! By adopting cutting-edge digital signature solutions like DrySign, your business can drastically enhance business processes and maximize profits. 

Are you interested in knowing more? Let’s get on a call and reinvigorate your business growth!

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